Ajinomoto OmniChem NaturalSpecialities

Ajinomoto NaturalSpecialities has been active for more than 60 years now, and is specialized in extraction and purification of botanicals.
Today we are one of the leading polyphenol producers in the world.
We are specialised in continuous counter-current extraction and have a specific experience in extracting polyphenols. Our total extraction capacity exceeds 6000 Tons of botanicals per year
We have been producing tannic acids (also known as gallotannins) - since 1947. Tannic acids are hydrolysable polyphenols that are used in various markets such as brewery, oenology, food flavours and pharma.
Tannic acid is a multi-functional ingredient whose main properties include: very strong anti-oxidant (ORAC > 40 000 µmol TE/g), metal complexation and proteins binding.
We have also developed a range of grape seed extracts – OmniVin.
OmniVin is the grape seed extract with the highest amount in monomers (catechin & epicatechin) on the market.
Last but not least, we also perform process development and contract extraction of botanicals and fermentation broths for major players of the industry.
Feel free to visit our website for more information: