Charting the Path Ahead for CBD in Dietary Supplements

The flood of CBD products onto the market despite the ingredient’s legal impediments has been unprecedented in the history of dietary supplements. The Hemp Farming Act, passed as part of the 2018 Farm Bill, removed the DEA hurdle for CBD (cannabidiol) from hemp. However, for FDA, the IND exclusion clause still prohibits the inclusion of CBD in dietary supplement, foods and beverages.
This has not stemmed the tide of CBD product launches, whether those are dietary supplements, beverages, or food. Quality standards appear to be all over the place, as are the claims being made. While FDA has reined in some of the more egregious players, the Agency has remained largely passive.
FDA is actively exploring potential pathways to permit certain cannabis-derived compounds in food or dietary supplements, but what are the key boxes that need to be ticked to move forward with CBD products that meet the quality standards required of mainstream products? What safety questions remain unanswered? Where do we stand on a potential NDI notification or GRAS no objection? What claims can be supported by the science? And what does the CBD space look like in five years?
In this webinar, the NutraIngredients-USA editorial team has assembled an expert panel to tell you everything you need to know about CBD.