Product Presentation
Ginnovay™ Fucoxanthin, a new, exciting and all-natural diet aid is now available from BGG

Brown seaweed is a culinary delicacy enjoyed by many societies, especially East Asians, for thousands of years. Thus, it is no surprise to hear of all the healthful benefits of brown seaweed that have recently come to the attention of Western countries. It is rich in vitamins, minerals and other fat and water soluble compounds such as fucoidan and fucoxanthin.
You may have already heard of fucoidan, a hot new ingredient produced by BGG and marketed under the FucoMax™ brand. Fucoidan is the water soluble sulfated polysaccharide complex that is the topic of dozens of exciting research studies focusing on anti-aging, cellular health and gut health. Likewise, Fucoxanthin, the fat soluble carotenoid responsible for the brown pigmentation in the algae, is one of the latest new fat-burning ingredients to hit the natural health products industry.
Hokkaido University in Japan has completed and published several animal metabolic studies that suggest fucoxanthin promotes fat burning within white adipose tissue cells by increasing the expression of thermogenin. Additionally, many other cellular and animal studies have reported that fucoxanthin has cellular health benefits and can increase liver DHA levels, thus potentially decreasing blood glucose. These findings suggest that fucoxanthin is a thermogenic compound without the side effects typically associated with stimulants.
Ginnovay™ Fucoxanthin from BGG is extracted, concentrated, purified and tested using the latest HPLC method (not an outdated and unreliable UV method) to ensure efficacy and safety. We use the same dedication to quality procedures and processes that we use to make our popular FucoMax™ Fucoidan extract. Please let us know how we can help you formulate your next healthy lifestyle product featuring our Ginnovay™ Fucoxanthin. We can be contacted at 949-748-7348 or you can email us at fhccbeg@otthfn.pbz for more information.