IPAWC + Probiota Americas 2022: Markets, retailers, stress & sleep, + tech dominate Day 2

Returning as a face-to-face event, the 2022 IPA World Congress + Probiota Americas, June 1-3 in Washington, D.C., will feature world-leading experts to present the latest scientific, technical, regulatory, business, and market insights.
The show takes a magnifying glass to all-things microbiome-related, what areas are growing, and in which direction.
As many people in the microbiome space appreciate, diversity is important, and this year’s program promises to be one of the most diverse ever produced, with the range of topics covered over the three days including communicating via influencers, a look at the investment landscape and industry consolidation, plus deep dives into a range of hot scientific topics, including immunity and COVID outcomes.
Day 2 in focus
Day 2 kicks off with a return for the ever-popular Ewa Hudson, director of Insights for Lumina Intelligences, who will present new data and insights on e-commerce markets across the Americas.
We’ll follow this with a not-to-be missed panel discussion on retailer quality initiatives and how these will move the consumer confidence needle, featuring Betsy Crater from Wegmans Food Markets, Alan Lewis from Natural Grocers, Allyn Shultis from the Global Retailer & Manufacturer Alliance (GRMA), and David Trosin from NSF International.
The late morning session will focus on the huge opportunity for microbiome modulation to improve sleep and manage stress, which features presentations by Monika Fleshner, PhD from the University of Colorado. Julia Rode, PhD, from Örebro University in Sweden, and Giulio Maria Pasinetti, MD, PhD, from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai.
The afternoon of Day 2 includes our Tech Showcase session featuring presentations by María Eugenia Inda, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Ingestible bacterial-electronic systems to monitor gastrointestinal health), Seung-min Park, PhD, Stanford University School of Medicine (A Smart Toilet system for personalized health monitoring), and Vincent Thomas, PhD, BioAster (Species-targeted sorting and cultivation of commensal bacteria from the gut microbiome using flow cytometry).
Networking & roundtables
The day is not all about speakers and presentations. Attendees will have the chance to grow their networks via speed networking and our series of roundtable lunches. Attendees can join the tables hosted by an expert from industry or academia who will lead an informal discussion on an industry hot topic. Join the table that suits you best, subject to availability.
IPAWC + Probiota Americas
Other key themes include: Immune support and COVID-19 outcomes; Updates from the regulatory field; Tips and tricks on working with influencers to communicate with consumers; insights from leading start-ups; and our Future Focus panel, which asks “Where Next for the Industry?”
For more information and to register, please click HERE.