NutraCast: OK Capsule on identifying opportunity to achieve personalization at scale

Brandeis said a few years ago he noticed industry trends that were veering towards more personalization.
“So there's companies like Care/of or Persona that were building their own direct-to-consumer personalized interfaces, and then they would ship personalized daily packs to their customers,” said Brandeis.
“The problem though, is that it's a pretty big lift for most supplement companies to make that offering for themselves. There's millions of dollars worth of equipment, there's millions of dollars worth of tech infrastructure that has to go into place in order for a supplement company to be able to make the transition from bottles to personalized packs for their customers. So I saw this as an opportunity, instead of each supplement company making that investment on their own, it struck me that there's an opportunity to create a platform that is pretty plug-and-play, turnkey for supplement companies, to make that transition from bottles to daily packets, without a big upfront investment.”
In the very near future, Brandeis said he expects to announce some exciting partnerships with “some of the biggest retail brands of supplements, household names that people know.”
To hear more on opportunities, challenges and trends in personalized supplements and the future of sustainable packaging, listen to the NutraCast.
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