Product Presentation
Whey Protein for Kid-Friendly Healthy Foods

Obesity among children is making headlines around the world, generating a vocal and energetic movement across society. Food and beverage manufacturers are being challenged to address the obesity problem by offering more products for children that are supportive of recognized parameters for good nutrition.
Children grow fast and because so much of their future well-being depends on healthy development, they need high-quality protein. As a solution, Hilmar Ingredients offers a variety of formulations for kid-friendly foods and beverages fortified with whey proteins. Whey proteins are complete proteins providing the essential amino acids in an optimum blend for human consumption. Whey proteins have a PER of 3.2, a “perfect” PDCAAS of 1.00 and have a low glycemic load at 2 per 100 grams for concentrates and <1 for whey protein isolates.
One example of Hilmar Ingredients’ formulations for kids is a protein fortified orange juice. With the same amount of calcium and protein as a glass of milk, this fortified OJ makes a great start to an active day and to the foundation of good bone health. Because they remain soluble and stable across the pH range, whey proteins are the protein of choice in beverages with pH levels as low as 2.5. Hilmar whey proteins incorporate easily into a wide range of ingredient systems, flavors and processing/pasteurization methods.